Monday, April 8, 2024

Finishing touches

 It's Monday and with the project due Wednesday we have finishing touches to do on all aspects of the project. I'll walk you through them. 

Print Component

I've blogged about the print component quite a bit and that's because it has been the most challenging part of the project. Every other aspect of the project we were pretty familiar with since we had recently made a documentary and frequently use social media. We weren't scared to start it but it definitely was a daunting task. We had to follow magazine conventions and as someone who rarely looks at a magazine I had to rely on my notes from my teacher's lesson. Then I used Canva for templates to make our life easier, but many of their magazines don't follow conventions and use color and odd shapes. This led to us piecing different ones together in order to create the perfect magazine. After much trial and error and some arguing our final product came out great and I think it's the perfect balance of a true magazine with an artistic touch. 


I feel like I haven't been able to update you much on editing and that is because I don't have it physically in my hand. Maria wanted to edit and I was okay with that as long as we communicated through the process. I'm happy to say we were able to do just that and in turn, we got the result we wanted. We decided the narrative we wanted to communicate prior so she updated me on major edits or things she needed help with. Of course, I took my job quite seriously and stayed by my phone to be able to help her as much as possible. We also spent time together to edit, but that wasn't as helpful as last time since we knew how this project would be laid out. 

Social Media

Our social media only has two posts left and that is our final reminder of its Wednesday release and then the post showing it up on our streaming platform Hulu. Our social media has been a great asset in our communication with our audience and I think we've done a good job of representing our documentary and building a brand. While building a brand for a documentary isn't as extensive as it is for a short film we still tried to display the artsy side that we really wanted to get across. We had a color story of black, white, and rainbow. These colors contrast each other, but that tells the story of our documentary well. Prior to watching the doc they didn't know much about the behind the scenes and after they understand it completely. 

tick tock 

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