Saturday, February 18, 2023


 I plan to introduce you to the full story tomorrow, but today I'll introduce you to the main character. She is also the only one who has a name in the story. With two minutes there's a whole world of possibility and choosing to have one character that's the focal point is scary, but I think it's possible. I'm not sure of her name right now so I'm sorry for such an informal introduction. I'm leaning toward a name like Ivy. 

    In the story, she is dealing with something close to schizotypal personality disorder, but it's clearly untreated. This mental illness is in close relation to schizophrenia though it lacks hallucinations. It leads to unusual thinking, paranoid thoughts, and odd styles of dressing. I hope to display this through her room and style of dress. Her thoughts will be portrayed in the main portion of the opening. 


I created this small mood board to just give an idea as to who she is. I'm excited for what the future holds see you there!

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