Friday, April 5, 2024

The print component...finally

 While we wrap up editing in our down time we have started to work on the print component. As you can probably tell by now I am not the most gifted writer so that component has been left to Maria. Of course I'm helping her out where I can, but I truly have no talent in that realm. Where I do have talent is Canva so I'll be taking over the design aspect of the print component. Since our project is focusing on the arts I would assume if this print article were to be real it would end up in an artsy magazine that has a very specific style to it. When looking through Canva I looked for interesting designs that displayed the conventions of a magazine well, while also fitting what I envisioned in my head. Below I'll include pictures of the original design. 

Above you see the layout without any changes.  Once we decided on the layout I began filtering through our photos and favoriting the ones I thought would represent our documentary well. Lucky for us we are two people so while one of us was filming the other was able to take pictures which left us with good options to choose from. 

These were the photos chosen to represent the documentary as well as ourselves in the print component. For the article, it is going to be an interview with the directors (aka me and Maria). We thought it was important to talk about the documentary from the standpoint of what made us want to do it because if we used our subjects the article would give away the documentary. I feel our decision to have the article center around us rather than the documentary subjects rounds out the entire project well. The print component should be complete before this week ends so when that is done I'll make sure to show you. 
 I can't believe this is all ending soon 

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